logo recognition

What is logo recognition?

Audio Fingerprinting

Audio fingerprinting is the process of digitally condensing an audio signal, generated by extracting acoustic relevant characteristics of a piece of audio content, a condensed digital summary of an audio signal, generated by extracting acoustic relevant characteristics of a piece of audio content. Along with matching algorithms, this digital signature permits to identify different versions of a single recording with the same title,to be used to match with the recorded audio or playlists on mobile, TV or Radio.
When an audio segment is ingested in our database, we automatically generate and store its fingerprint which we’ll later use to identify the audios we record across TVs, radios and venues. Just like with human fingerprints we can compare a recording fingerprint against a global database of songs and locate its match within seconds.
Our robust acoustic fingerprinting identifies the audio track even after compression and any degradation in sound quality.
Our fingerprinting technology is a robust against sound degradations and detects when the audio segment isn’t itself anymore.